Noemi Corsini
I'm PhD Candidate
I am a PhD candidate at University of Padova passionate about statistical modeling and in particular about clustering complex data structures. I am working under the supervision of professor Giovanna Menardi. It is recently ended my research visit at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin where I was collaborating together with professor Michael Fop. At the moment I am developing methodologies to find overlapping clusters in high-dimensional network data.

Research Interests
- Density-based clustering
- Latent variable models
- Computational statistics
- Bayesian Inference
I thrive both on developing new methods to solve everyday problems and applying exhisting and new methodologies to analyse diverse and challenging real-world datasets.
For more detailed information, have a look at the full version of my CV.
Working Papers
- Corsini, N., Fop, M. (2024+). A Bayesian overlapping stochastic block model for clustering network data
- Corsini, N., Menardi, G.(2024+). Modal clustering for categorical and mixed data
- Corsini, N., Bernini, C., Pattitoni, P.(2024+). Modelling the global efficiency of the insurance industry: a meta-frontier approach
Articles in refereed journals
- Casoli, D., Corsini, N., Presutti, M., Magnini, V. (2023). Why (not) participate in an adventure motorcycle tourism event?, Tourism Analysis.
- Corsini, N., and Viroli, C. (2022). Dealing with overdispersion in multivariate count data, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.
Conference Proceedings
- Corsini, N., Fop, M. (2024). A Bayesian overlapping stochastic block model for clustering biographical networks, In Book of Short Papers SIS 2024, in press
- Corsini, N., Menardi, G. (2023). Modal clustering for categorical data, In Proceedings of the CLADAG 2023 Conference of the CLAssification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG), Salerno.
Not only statistics! I have many other passions. Here’s a very brief list! If you want to know more or just want to chat about it, don’t hesitate to contact me!
I love cooking in general; it is my coping mechanism. In particular, I very much enjoy preparing homemade fresh pasta from scratch.
Creating Clothes
I like to train my creativity by creating new clothes for myself through sewing, knitting, and crocheting
If I have to choose the three sports that I enjoy practising the most at the moment I would choose aereal silks, running and bouldering.
I have always been a passionate reader. The genre of books I read changes and evolves along with me and my life.
Pretty obvious this one, who doesn't like to travel?