Noemi Corsini

I'm PhD Candidate


I am a PhD candidate at University of Padova passionate about statistical modeling and in particular about clustering complex data structures. I am working under the supervision of professor Giovanna Menardi. It is recently ended my research visit at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin where I was collaborating together with professor Michael Fop. At the moment I am developing methodologies to find overlapping clusters in high-dimensional network data.

Research Interests

  • Density-based clustering
  • Latent variable models
  • Computational statistics
  • Bayesian Inference

I thrive both on developing new methods to solve everyday problems and applying exhisting and new methodologies to analyse diverse and challenging real-world datasets.

For more detailed information, have a look at the full version of my CV.


Ph.D in Statistical Sciences

2021 - 2024

University of Padova, Italy.

M.Sc in Statistical Sciences

2019 - 2021

University of Bologna, Italy

B.Sc in Statistical Sciences

2016 - 2019

University of Bologna, Italy


Working Papers

  1. Corsini, N., Fop, M. (2024+). A Bayesian overlapping stochastic block model for clustering network data
  2. Corsini, N., Menardi, G.(2024+). Modal clustering for categorical and mixed data
  3. Corsini, N., Bernini, C., Pattitoni, P.(2024+). Modelling the global efficiency of the insurance industry: a meta-frontier approach

Articles in refereed journals

  1. Casoli, D., Corsini, N., Presutti, M., Magnini, V. (2023). Why (not) participate in an adventure motorcycle tourism event?, Tourism Analysis.
  2. Corsini, N., and Viroli, C. (2022). Dealing with overdispersion in multivariate count data, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Corsini, N., Fop, M. (2024). A Bayesian overlapping stochastic block model for clustering biographical networks, In Book of Short Papers SIS 2024, in press
  2. Corsini, N., Menardi, G. (2023). Modal clustering for categorical data, In Proceedings of the CLADAG 2023 Conference of the CLAssification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG), Salerno.


R, Latex 100%
Python, STATA 75%
Italian, English 100%
French 80%
Spanish, Portuguese 20%


Not only statistics! I have many other passions. Here’s a very brief list! If you want to know more or just want to chat about it, don’t hesitate to contact me!


I love cooking in general; it is my coping mechanism. In particular, I very much enjoy preparing homemade fresh pasta from scratch.

Creating Clothes

I like to train my creativity by creating new clothes for myself through sewing, knitting, and crocheting


If I have to choose the three sports that I enjoy practising the most at the moment I would choose aereal silks, running and bouldering.


I have always been a passionate reader. The genre of books I read changes and evolves along with me and my life.


Pretty obvious this one, who doesn't like to travel?



Via Cesare Battisti, 241 - 35121 Padova
